A small zine about appreciating the winter map design in my favourite game: Team Fortress 2.


- The the arrow buttons to move through the pages.

- Click & drag the sliders on the interactive images to see a change of scenery.


This game was made for the Cozy Game Jam 2025. The main themes were 'Winter' and 'Metamorphosis'. I combined both of these by making the player discover the winter side of these TF2 maps by dragging the interactive sliders back and forth!

Headsup: this zine might not work properly if played at another aspect ration than 16:9.


- Code & art design by me.

- Screenshots by me, taken in the game TF2 (rights go to Valve Software)


Warmth turns to winter - Windows.zip 49 MB

Install instructions

Play this game in-browser for the best experience. Alternatively you can download the Windows build, extract the .zip file and run the .exe.